Clearing Your Record
How to clear your criminal record in Texas
Your criminal charge has been dismissed or you were found not guilty at trial and your case is over. Now what? Despite popular belief, your arrest records and criminal charge likely remain visible to the general public, law enforcement, and anyone who wants to find it. These records are often visible to the public through online databases like the Harris County District Clerk’s Office.
The good news is that you may be eligible to file a petition for expunction to destroy these arrest records and completely eliminate them from your criminal record. And once an expunction is granted, you can legally deny that you were arrested for the expunged criminal offense.
Do I need to hire a lawyer for my expunction?
The rules and requirements of expunctions in Texas can be confusing. And it is extremely important that the preparation and filing of a petition for expunction be done correctly so that your criminal history actually gets erased. Houston Criminal Defense Attorney Matt DeLuca has handled expunctions for clients in courts and counties all over Texas. Please give us a call to discuss whether you are eligible to file for expunction now.
How much does it cost to expunge my criminal record?
Expunction costs vary depending on which Texas County your arrest took place in, how many law enforcement and government agencies were involved in the case, and various other factors. It’s typically a good idea to reach out to one or more attorneys to discuss expunction fees.
Petition for Nondisclosure
If you were convicted of or pleaded guilty to a criminal offense, you still may be eligible to seal the arrest and conviction from public record through a Petition for Nondisclosure.
Although a Petition for Nondisclosure is not quite as effective as an Expunction, it will still hide your criminal arrest from the general public. However, government entities like law enforcement and licensing agencies will still be able to see it. And even if you are eligible to file a petition, the judge still has final determination of whether or not to grant it.
Houston Criminal Defense Attorney Matt DeLuca has experience preparing and filing Petitions for Nondisclosure in courts all over Texas. Please give us a call to find out if you are eligible for a Petition for Nondisclosure.
Sealing your DWI Conviction
Even if you were convicted of DWI, you may still be able to seal it! The Texas Legislature recently passed a law allowing DWI convictions to be sealed in certain circumstances through a Petition for Nondisclosure. Click here to read more about it.
Matt was the first counsel I contacted about my case. He told me the truth up front, and followed my case through until it was ultimately dismissed, exactly as Matt assured me it would be.